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另外两台Grove全地形起重机加入Tutt Bryant大型车队,用于澳大利亚主要液化天然气工厂的周转

  • 新的GMK6400和GMK5250XL-1加入了8人的Grove船队,以支持达尔文附近的液化天然气工厂关闭, NT. Equipment supplier Tutt Bryant selected the cranes for their reliability and performance. 
  • 最初的8台起重机在2021年处理了关闭的第一阶段,然后新到达的起重机为2022年的第二阶段提供了额外的起重能力.
  • A mix of four-, five- and six-axle cranes covered multiple tasks, with Manitowoc providing two on-site technicians to ensure maximum uptime.

一个大型和各种各样的格罗夫全地形起重机车队在世界上最大的一个主要周转项目的第二阶段工作, 最复杂的液化天然气加工设施——inpex运营的Ichthys液化天然气加工设施位于澳大利亚北领地达尔文附近. For the first stage of the turnaround, nationwide fleet hire and logistics solutions provider Tutt Bryant Heavy Lift & Shift sent a fleet of mobile cranes, mostly made up of Grove all-terrain cranes. Then for the second stage of the work, it sent an additional GMK6400 and GMK5250XL-1 to support operations. 

As with the first stage, Manitowoc提供24/7的现场技术支持,有两名高级技术人员轮流提供全职服务. In addition to the new arrivals, the existing Grove fleet on the job was a mix of four-, five- and six-axle all-terrain models. A 90 t GMK4090 plus two 100 t GMK4100L-1 units; a  95 t GMK5095, 130 t GMK5130-2, and 150 t GMK5150L; plus two 300 t GMK6300L cranes. 

“我们精心选择了这支机队,以提供最大灵活性的良好容量组合, with their class-leading boom lengths providing optimized access to all areas of the plant,” said Rob West, senior divisional manager at Tutt Bryant. “我们增加了新车型,以增加容量,车队更新,并提供更多的多功能性. 长臂GMK5250XL-1意味着它可以承担我们以前依赖大型起重机的工作. We purchased the GMK6400 because we knew we could use it for some heavier tasks, but we also knew we’d get good utilization from it in the future.”

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Of particular value to the project was the Grove GMK5250XL-1, which launched in 2019. Offering the longest boom of any five-axle crane, its 78.5米,8段MEGAFORM®臂架可以进一步延长8米,或11.2 m or 17.8 m swingaway jib plus 8 m jib extension. All these options mean an incredible 33.8 m of additional reach is possible. In conjunction with the MAXbase variable outrigger positioning system, which boosts capacities for increased jobsite flexibility, the crane can handle 9.9 t when the standard boom arrangement is at maximum height, or 1.3 t when at maximum working radius of 74m. 

Even better, 起重机令人印象深刻的起重能力并不是以牺牲机动性或紧凑性为代价的, GMK5250XL-1占地面积小,全轮转向/抓取模式提供了最高水平的多功能性. 

“The lifts we undertook on the turnaround are all well within the capabilities of the cranes,” continued West. “但至关重要的是,工作进展顺利,因为有很多工作要做,这样工厂才能尽快恢复运行。. We’ve been really pleased with the reliability of the Grove cranes, as well as their speed, flexibility, and maneuverability.”

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当地极端的高温和潮湿,加上要求起重机全天候工作,给起重机带来了额外的压力. But with their comfortable, air-conditioned cabs, the Grove cranes provided a pleasant work environment for the operators. And if any issues arose, one of the two Manitowoc technicians was on hand to offer support, keeping unexpected stoppages to a minimum. 提供24/7全天候服务,以确保Grove船队保持最大的运营实力,这反映了Manitowoc对客户支持的长期承诺.

“我对Manitowoc的两位技术人员的评价非常高,在周转的第一阶段,他们与我们的团队无缝合作,最大限度地减少了机器停机时间,” said West. “On the project, there are no cell phones allowed. We expected this to cause some delays with service, but the Manitowoc guys have found solutions in minutes, rather than hours.”


Crystal Chi
T +86 2164 570 066*103