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Manitowoc MLC650使韩国风电场的涡轮机安装变得轻而易举

  • The crane is owned by Shinui Petra and comes with Manitowoc’s 3.5米宽的吊杆套件选项-这是北美以外的第一个MLC650利用这种性能增强附件. 
  • Due to difficult site conditions, no other crane could be used - with its VPC-MAX technology, 与竞争对手相比,MLC 650只需要10%的地面准备.

北美以外的第一款马尼托瓦克MLC650.韩国西南部的一个大型风力发电场已经开始安装5米宽的吊杆插入套件. Owned by Shinui Petra, 领先的设备租赁公司和马尼托瓦克的长期客户, 履带式起重机抵达了位于华顺郡的大明能源山顶基地, Jeollanam-do on June 1. Main contractor DongBang Co. 分包商Hanbit Wind Tower将让MLC650在现场忙碌到今年年底. There are eleven 4.8 MW-capacity Siemens wind turbines to erect, requiring the installation of 85 t nacelles at 130 m heights.

Shinui Petra’s MLC650 is fitted with Manitowoc’s unique VPC-MAX 该技术在标准起重机650吨的基础上增加了50吨的能力. In addition, the 3.5米宽的臂架选项(与标准部分相比,其额外宽度为500毫米)可将产能增加30%. With this amount of lifting capacity, 风力发电场的大负荷安全处理将不成问题. Furthermore, 马尼托瓦克可变位置配重系统的设计消除了对车身配重的需要. 

The one and only

MLC650的独特优势使其成为风力发电场项目的明显候选者, 真正的关键是它能够在困难的现场条件下进行所需的提升, as Shinui Petra’s president and CEO, Choi Byung Eun explained.

“当地政府当局的限制意味着工地上放置起重机的空间被严格限制在30米× 50米, 保护周围树木,减少对地面的破坏,” he said. “MLC650唯一真正的竞争对手需要44米的工作半径, which immediately ruled it out.”

项目的另一个复杂之处是场地陡峭、狭窄和蜿蜒的通道. However, MLC650的优化设计和紧凑的尺寸使其能够在45次装载中运输. The crane’s main boom was assembled in the air, while suspended above the inclined access road, with its four 3.由于Manitowoc的快速对准连接技术(FACT连接器)与液压驱动销,5米宽的插入件可以快速安全地对准.

“For these kinds of challenges, there is no other solution. 我们的一些客户不会考虑MLC650以外的任何东西,因为它的体积紧凑,减少了对道路和土壤条件的影响,” said Choi. “内陆风塔通常位于空间非常紧张的山顶, or near the coast where the soil is softer. MLC650产生的地面压力较小,因为它的重量尽可能均匀地分布在履带上. Also, 它只需要在轨道周边进行地面准备,而不是在整个摆动半径内, because the VPC-MAX remains suspended, so there are huge savings.”

Configured with a 146 m main boom, 7.6 m extended upper boom point and 400 t of counterweight, the crane is mostly working at a 28 m radius. 马尼托瓦克在韩国的当地办事处为Shinui Petra提供密切的工程和技术支持,并在需要时提供现场专业知识,因为施工现场的规模和频繁暴露在高风速下.

The Hwasun-gun windfarm is the third jobsite where the 3.5 m boom kit was used since Shinui Petra acquired the MLC650 in 2016; the first to arrive in the country. 对于需要长臂和俯仰臂配置的项目来说,这是一个特别有用的选择. 该套件使起重机能够在相同紧凑的占地面积下完成更苛刻的工作,但不会增加安装时间或成本. 

Preference for high performance

Shinui Petra对Manitowoc的履带式起重机有着强烈的偏好,他也拥有一台 MLC165 and four Model 12000 cranes. The company also has seven Potain luffing jib cranes: three MR 608 units and four MCR 225 units. 


Crystal Chi    
T +86 2164 570 066*103