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  • Jobsite


  • A Model 16000 crawler crane and three Grove all-terrain models combined to lift a 466.6 t bridge section onto self-propelled transporter for later unloading and installation. 
  • 举重是由R完成的&D Crane, sister company of the fabricator and part of the Nova Scotia-based Cherubini集团. 
  • 电梯在四个小时内顺利完成, 起重机和他们的操作员完全和谐地工作.

Canada’s Cherubini Bridges and Structures has completed work on the Four Signature Bridges contract for Toronto’s Port Lands project. The job wrapped up in style with the company successfully orchestrating a complex four-crane pick to get the final 446.6 .将桥段送上去 
St. 乘驳船到劳伦斯河.

22的升降机.3 m-wide, 57.长1米的樱桃街北桥由 R&D Crane 和制造者一样,哪个是一个部门 Cherubini集团. It was completed using the four largest cranes in its fleet: a Manitowoc Model 16000 lattice-boom crawler, 和Grove GMK6400, GMK5250L, 和GMK5240全地形车型.

The cranes combined to lift the structure from its supports in the yard at Cherubini’s Pleasant Street 达特茅斯的制造工厂, Nova Scotia, allowing a self-propelled modular transporter (SPMT) with transfer beams and a huge Cherubini-engineered turntable to take the load. The SPMT was then driven onto a barge moored alongside the site’s dedicated harborside wharf to begin its journey to Toronto.


The need to bring together the four cranes was an engineering solution to help ensure the bridge was positioned as smoothly as possible at its final resting place, 担任凯鲁比尼集团首席执行官, Darren Czech, explained. 

“将桥梁部分装载到驳船上不是问题, 因为搬运工能够选择路段并直接行驶,” he said. “但是在这个特殊的部分, 还有第二个, there were space restrictions which meant we couldn’t just simply roll on and roll off the barge using the self-propelled transporters alone. 因为这个, we engineered a solution that supplied the sections to the jobsite on a turntable structure — our giant ‘Lazy Susan.’ This allowed tugboats in Toronto to spin them around on the barge in the middle of the harbor, 理想的位置是让它们正好进入它们最后的安息地. So, we used the four-crane pick at our yard to make sure the section was accurately placed on the turntable ahead of shipping to Toronto.”

For the lift, 桥的每个角各有一台起重机, 并且都配置了主臂和部分配重. The 16000 had 36 m of boom with 134 t of rear counterweight and 27 t of carbody counterweight. 格罗夫家的三个人都最大限度地使用了支腿, with the GMK6400 working with 95 t counterweight and 20 m of boom; the GMK5250L working with 70 t counterweight and 23.5 m of boom; and the GMK5240 working with 44 t counterweight and 23 m of boom.

“电梯进行得很顺利,不到四个小时,”R&D的总经理罗布·布洛伊斯. “尽管起重机在大约一个星期前就被动员起来帮助规划, setting up mats, 最后敲定现场细节. The key was really the planning — working out how to maintain equal weights during the lift and spreading the load to reduce ground-bearing pressure. 但在那天,起重机一起工作得很好. 我们有一整队马尼托瓦克和格罗夫的机器, which minimizes the mechanical and operational challenges a mixed fleet can cause.”

The personnel also played a key role in ensuring the job was performed safely and effectively, added Czech:

“负责电梯的主管, Nico Baldasso, 以前是否亲自操作过所有的起重机, 因此,他认识并理解了每只起重机应该如何工作. 当然,我们总是用合适的操作员来操作合适的起重机. Pretty much every bridge that’s erected in this province is done by us — we embrace the big and bulky stuff that other people don’t want. 因此,对于我们或我们的操作人员来说,多起重机拣选并不罕见. They’re like a hockey team that’s been playing together a long time; they can predict each other’s moves so Nico can oversee the work and just let them get on with the job.”


The final key player in the project is local Manitowoc dealer Shawmut Equipment — located in nearby Elmsdale, Nova Scotia — Cherubini’s preferred partner ever since it started building its crane fleet. 从它在哈利法克斯附近的便利位置, Shawmut提供快捷的服务,Czech用热情洋溢的语言描述道:

“这真的是一个团队的努力, and we value the intimate knowledge the Shawmut team has of these cranes and the relationships they build with our operators. 肖穆特的众多技术人员之一, Michel Landry, 是一个很好的资源,帮助我们的运营商解决了许多问题. 他做得很好,除了接线员,没人知道有什么问题. 这种专业知识是惊人的.”

“没有他们的销售代表,我们做不到, Dave Hawboldt或者Joe Vergoni, 总统——我可以随时拿起电话问他们任何问题. 这是一种真正的家庭关系.”


Amy Crouse
T +1 717 593 5960